There are many examples in my life of times I've pushed too hard. But the one that stands out is the period after my diagnosis in 2009. I tried to learn as much as I could about my disease and the different treatment options. This is a good thing to do, but it became an issue when I kept pushing and pushing, even though there were no stones left unturned. I exhausted myself trying to figure out how to find a cure, and burned myself out. It took several months to accept the situation and find more productive ways to make a difference.

Even today, I still have a tendency to do too much and review things over and over and over even though I already know the answer. When this happens, it makes it hard to sleep and concentrate. I think I am motivated by perfectionism, which as we've learned is good, up to a point.

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I personally think you should get "Textapalooza" trademarked :) It's catchy and to the point (and a great idea in general)

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I'm such a fan of your Textapalooza idea! I have so many lovely people in my life that I want to stay connected to...but, as an introvert, not nearly enough energy. I love that your approach leaves the door open for more back-and-forth without *requiring* it.

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I mean I guess you could ignore them if they responded back 😂 but that would sort of defeat the point

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Great post. Love the texting idea. Didn’t Travolta also bungle Benedict Cumberbatch? I understand that one!

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That one I'm not familiar with, but considering I thought he was Cumberpatch for about ten years, I can see how he might get tripped up on it. I think someone made a John Travolta name generator. I have to find it...

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Cumberpatch...lol ... poor guy ... with a name like that, it's been his whole life I'm sure!

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As my dad would say, he's laughing all the way to the bank!

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Maybe it was just a meme, now that I go look for it myself.

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Chris, thank you for including me in such lovely company! (Including yours.) And I agree with Santos (😉): Less really is the key to happiness. Fewer clothes (no struggle to decide what to wear). Fewer things (less sh!t to dust). Fewer obligations (more time to relax and actually enjoy what matters). Because what are we racing toward? The finish line is pretty much six feet under. Might as well enjoy the time and people and opportunities we have rather than grasping for more. You always share the best things with such fantastic insight, Chris. Always learning from you. xo

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Thank you for writing a wonderful post! Even if I struggled to summarize it in 5 words 😂

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You struggled? LOL. xo

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I mean it came out well it just was a topic that requires some words.

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You did great. I, on the other hand, suck at brevity. xo

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You and me both!

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