I grapple with the same things. Transportation is difficult. My chair is not easy to tote around. It's easier to stay in comfort at home. Good for you for getting out though! You look snazzy in that suit :-)

My company is sponsoring a 5K in my honor in April and I'm already getting a little edgy about going to it. But I know that I will enjoy myself. Thanks for the reaffirmation.

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Ha well that's about the extent to which I'm willing to dress up these days.

I hope the 5k logistics work out and you're able to go. that's great they are doing that!

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I totally relate on the "this is going to be hard" feeling for certain experiences that present themselves. I can talk myself out of even going to see a friend sometimes if the logistics or risk feels like too much. I definitely love reminiscing with friends about shared experiences we've had too. Because of COVID though, I find it hard to think about anything from before 2020 because a lot of those things I can't do anymore. I don't even like looking at old photos. The one positive of all the change that's happened since then though is I know living with my parents, however unplanned it was, will be something I'll always look back in a positive way and be thankful for. Thanks for some more food for thought, Chris.

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YES! I adore the memory dividend and am so glad you wrote about it. Fabulous piece as always, Chris.

I read Bill Perkins' book a few years ago, and just about everything in it went against my financial-planner instincts—which is precisely why it was so important to read. (I definitely don't agree with all of his arguments, but it's so important to challenge and refine our thinking with new perspectives.)

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Thanks Maddie!

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That's a good word Chris ... being mindful of the future as we enjoy the present. Thank you!

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Thanks John!

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