Apr 24Liked by Chris Anselmo

I agree that celebrating our wins is important and enjoy reading other people’s. I had two this week:

1. I finished my latest project and love how it turned out! It’s an ebook I’ll share more about in my newsletter on Friday.

2. I just got paid $1000 ($1/word) for an article the organization has approved the final draft of but hasn’t published yet! That’s a first.

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As usual, I really enjoy your posts. Great topic. A lot of times I’ve found that some things that seem initially like “losses” actually can be wins upon deeper reflection. They’re disguised. :) So today I celebrate what seems like a loss - a few prospective jobs I did not get - because I believe there might be better coming soon.

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Apr 24Liked by Chris Anselmo

A few years ago, i started teaching English to my mom. Last week, after a two-year hiatus, she asked me to restart teaching her and today was our second session. I wasn't really sure whether i could pull this off, but I DID IT ANYWAY. That's what i call A BIG WIN for myself.

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Apr 24Liked by Chris Anselmo

Wow that squirrel is my hero! Wins right now, getting my son through this last chemo treatment(almost done!) celebrating my youngest’s 8th birthday, and getting out my latest substack post (I was late in my schedule for it) 🎉

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I love posts like this. It always forces me to step back and think about what's going right instead of focusing on what's going wrong (which personally was plenty today).

We recently celebrated my son's 7th birthday, and he's the one that almost didn't live past day 2! We added a new puppy to our family that our kids have been begging us for. And earlier in the week we had an issue with our garbage disposal which I initially guessed would be a $400-500 repair, but with a few quick Google searches and a YouTube video, I was able to resolve myself!

Oh, and I recently got my first true paid subscriber on Substack after some comps expired!

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I posted a mini-brag last week on Notes about all I accomplished last week (because coming back to work after a week off, I was greeted with 460+ emails, and that was just the start). But on Saturday, I got so much done (like a freakish amount, and didn't feel drained, which was the freaky part), I did a little personal back pat. I'm on the verge of spreading myself thin, but won't let it get to that. I hope. And congrats on focusing on your book, Chris! I can't wait to read it. I still need to schedule my haircut, though. And SQUIRREL!!! LOL. xo

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Small win = Made it back to the gym yesterday after being sick for the past two weeks. I am sore today, but grateful for a return to routine.

Also, I'm getting a haircut on Friday! My stylist has been out on maternity leave for months now and I like her so much, I've not gone anywhere else and am overdue!

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Yay for wins! There's nothing quite like a fresh haircut either. My car was having an issue last week and had it fixed by a very nice local person (was terrified of finding a new mechanic after I moved), I've forgiven myself for a lot of things and been more compassionate with myself lately. I've been sticking to my healthier eating/exercise shtick well. Got a glowing review at work. Appreciate the prompt to shift the focus to the positive. This was hard at first and that definitely tells you something.

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Apr 24Liked by Chris Anselmo

We are building our new home and the plumbing and electrical inspections passed yesterday!

Also at the end of last year, we formed a land investment company so that I will be able to leave my job when I am no longer able to perform it. Looking to the future so that I can still provide an income for my family when that day comes. We closed our third deal this week.

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Apr 24Liked by Chris Anselmo

Thank you. Learning a language can be a very fun activity. Like when a child is learning how to walk, learning a language is the same.

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