It is always impactful to read your posts. I loved the exercises you shared and I would like to suggest one more, that I use myself and I frequently recommend to friends or people that I was lucky enough to mentor. It is doing a list of 100 things you want to do in 1000 days. And this list should contain big or small things, the important exercise is thinking what is a desire that I have and I would like to attend? Something like learning how to make a cake, organizing my books by color, learning pottery or traveling to some place. Anything. My first reaction when I did it for the very first time was how hard it is to be able to list 50 things meaningfully. The second thing was the amount of "small" things such as making a birthday cake that I was ignoring and could make me feel good. Lastly, it was consciously preparing for bigger ones like moving city or leaving a job that was hurting me. This list is one way I have found that supports me with this prioritization and I recommend the exercise.

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I like this, Suzina! That is a great idea. I'm going to try it.

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Chris, this is an awesome post. Thank you for sharing it. I like the perspectives here (the 100 year old self is a new one for me!) and appreciate your candor as always. Keep up the great work. + We are lucky to have you in our great state of CT :)

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Thanks Mike! You're in CT too? Small world!

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Chris Anselmo

Insightful read! Thank you! Btw, what is your religion? Sorry if this is intrusive!

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May 22Liked by Chris Anselmo

Wonderful insight Chris. I’m glad you re-shared this post.

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Thanks Teyani!

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May 22Liked by Chris Anselmo

This read was immensely insightful, Chris. I also have many regrets. And now going through the process of helping my son heal from leukemia, I have major decision fatigue. So, it would be helpful to keep my priority list close by. Just to help with that. And I must check out those books! Thanks for sharing this repost! Brilliant idea, too, by the way. I always hate feeling rushed with the writing if it’s not quite ready to be shared.

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Thanks Mary Beth 🙏 . Decisions are always tough. I often struggle with choice paralysis. Still do.

I try not to repost too much but I feel much better knowing that, when I can't hit my deadline, I can share an older post that most people haven't seen. 😀

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May 22Liked by Chris Anselmo

Feeling that. Definitely know that feeling.

I’m so glad you did share it. Thank you!

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May 22Liked by Chris Anselmo

Thanks, I needed this!

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Nice! Presbyterian

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